Spot proclaims he has the "power of the multiverse in the palm of my hand," echoing Doctor Octopus' line from "Spider-Man 2": "The power of the sun in the palm of my hand." Armadillo Chen, the shopkeeper from "Venom." The power of the multiverse Spot pops into a live-action dimension and encounters Mrs.

Ganke tells Miles he isn't his "guy in the chair," a reversal from when Peter's friend Ned wanted to be his " guy in the chair" in "Spider-Man: Homecoming." Mrs. After Lyla introduces Miles to video game characters, the PS4 Spider-Man, identified on screen as "Insomniac Spider-Man," asks, "Are you talking to me?" 'Guy in the chair' Later, this game's Spider-Man appears at the Spider-Society headquarters. Miles' roommate Ganke appears to be playing Insomniac's PlayStation 4 "Spider-Man" game early in the film.