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Empryion download scenerio from steam workshop put on server

faction homeworlds, while the new combat soundtrack supports you in the battle.

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Over 300 new and revamped bases and vessels to fight and explore on and around the newly added. 23 new block shapes were added together with water & lava blocks and a full blown blueprint parts collection toolset. Drones from your very own Drone Bay will now defend your bases and vessels. Besides visual improvements of the game world you can expect among other things: The summer update has some cool features in store for you. Welcome to the 1.10 update of Empyrion Galactic Survival.

  • Fixed Default _POIGroupsConfig.yaml interfering with Custom Scenarios.
  • XP Exploit with Water/Lava Blocks (fixed in stock scenarios Default, Invader vs Defender, Default Multiplayer).
  • Xeno Steel Blocks thin shapes had wrong mass/hitpoints values (fixed in stock scenarios Default, Invader vs Defender, Default Multiplayer).
  • Added HoverBike thruster particle effect.
  • 00992: Crosshair position when zoomed in is different to the non zoomed in crosshair position.
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    00990: Dynamic Shadows only work with 'Ultra' setting for shadows (they only work with Ultra & High settings).

    empryion download scenerio from steam workshop put on server

  • 00989: Light come through blocks in opposite direction of light source with dynamic shadows.
  • Fixed: Xeno Steel Blocks thin shapes had wrong mass/hitpoints values.
  • The suggested use is the separate console command "bpcoll"
  • Removed console command parameter "di wdw".
  • empryion download scenerio from steam workshop put on server

  • 00897: Retractable multitool turret can go invisible when turned off.
  • 00992: Scoped weapon crosshair position when zoomed in is different to the non zoomed in crosshair position.
  • It takes place in a vast procedurally generated galaxy that includes hundreds of different solar systems. The game will feature space & planetary exploration, building & construction, mining & resource gathering, survival, crafting, terrain deformation, as well as space & land combats. Empyrion - Galactic Survival Empyrion is an upcoming 3D open world, space survival adventure in which you can fly across space and land on planets.

    Empryion download scenerio from steam workshop put on server